You can buy various resources in shops: from Soul Stones to item fragments. Learn more about what shops exist in the game, what currencies they use, and where to find them.
Town Shop becomes available once you complete the tutorial. You can find it by clicking Merchant on the main game screen.

Town Shop updates three times: at 9:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 9:00 PM your local time zone.
There, you can buy EXP Potions (their size and potency depend on your team level), Bottled Energy, and random items of green, blue, and purple rarity.

Arena Shop becomes available at team level 10. You can access Arena Shop by clicking Merchant in the Arena menu.

You can also select the Arena Shop tab when you open any other Shop.
Here, you can spend Arena Coins to purchase hero equipment and Soul Stones of Judge, Dark Star, Chabba, and Maya.
New goods appear every 24 hours at 9 PM your local timezone. Also, you can refresh the Shop using emeralds.

Tower Shop becomes available when the Tower unlocks at team level 15. You can access it by clicking the Shop tab in the bottom-right corner of the Tower:

You can also select the Tower Shop tab when you open any other Shop.
Here, you can spend Tower Coins to purchase hero equipment and Soul Stones of Kai, Orion, Dante, and Lilith.
New goods appear every 24 hours at 9 PM your local timezone. Also, you can refresh the Shop using emeralds.

You can spend Friendship Chips at the Friendship Shop. You can access Friendship Shop by clicking Merchant in the Send gifts menu.

You can also select the Friendship Shop tab when you open any other Shop.
Here, you can spend Friendship Chips to purchase hero equipment and Soul Stones of Faceless and Cornelius.
New goods appear every 24 hours at 9 PM your local timezone. Also, you can refresh the Shop using emeralds.

Outland Shop becomes available at team level 25. You can find it by clicking the Shop tab in the upper-right corner of the Outland screen:

You can also select the Outland Shop tab when you open Merchant on the main game screen.
Here, you can spend Outland Coins to purchase Skin Stone Chests, hero equipment, and Soul Stones of Luther, Qing Mao, Jorgen, and Elmir.
New goods appear every 24 hours at 9 PM in your local timezone. Also, you can refresh the Shop using emeralds.

Artifact Merchant sells hero artifact fragments. To open this Shop, click Merchant at the bottom of the Airship page:

Alternatively, you can open the shop by selecting the desired artifact and clicking Find next to Merchant.

Here, you can spend Artifacts Coins to purchase any necessary artifact fragment. One fragment costs 400 Artifact Coins. If you need more than one fragment for the next upgrade, you can buy them in one click. When you have enough Artifact Coins, the Merchant will offer to buy the exact number of required fragments.

Unlike Artifact Weapons, books and rings are not unique artifacts. For example, Defender's Covenant is not exclusively Astaroth's artifact. You can use it to upgrade Cleaver and many other heroes.
Guild War Shop becomes available at team level 30. You can access it by clicking the Shop tab at the top of the Guild War screen:

You can also select the Guild War Shop tab when you open any other Shop.
Guild War Shop has three tabs:
Unique skins. Here, you can buy Champion's skins for your heroes. The assortment is always the same.
Valuables. Here, you can purchase valuable resources, e.g., Hero Soul Stones, runes, chests, and Titan Potions.
Exchange. Here, you can exchange Gold trophies for Silver, Silver trophies for Bronze, and Bronze trophies for Titan Skin Stones.

The main currency of Guild War Shop is Guild War trophies. There are three types of them: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The trophies you receive depend on what league your Guild is in.

Qualifying and Bronze league Guilds receive Bronze trophies as daily and weekly rewards.
Silver league Guilds receive Silver trophies as a daily reward and Silver and Bronze trophies as a weekly reward.
Gold league Guilds receive Gold trophies as a daily reward and Gold, Silver, and Bronze trophies as a weekly reward.
The number of trophies you get daily varies depending on the War results and whether you are a Champion or not. As for the weekly reward, it depends on your Guild's position in Guild War ranking.
Clash of Worlds Shop becomes available once you unlock the Clash of Worlds game mode. You can access it by clicking Shop at the top of the Clash of Worlds menu.

You can also select the Clash of Worlds Shop tab when you open any other Shop.
Here, you can spend Clash of Worlds Trophies to buy Aidan, Kayla, Iris, and Amira Soul Stones, exclusive frames, avatars, and Gifts of Dominion. Developers have plans to add new goods to the shop in the future.

Grand Arena Shop becomes available at team level 50. You can access it by clicking Merchant in the Grand Arena menu:

You can also select the Grand Arena Shop tab when you open any other Shop.
Here, you can spend Grand Arena Coins to purchase hero equipment and Soul Stones of Lian, Markus, Ishmael, and Rufus.
New goods appear every 24 hours at 9 PM your local timezone. Also, you can refresh the Shop using emeralds.

Soul Shop becomes available once you evolve at least one of your heroes to the Absolute Star or receive Soul Coins for the first time. You can access it by clicking Merchant on the main game screen:

Here you can spend Soul Coins to purchase Artifact Chest Keys, Summoning Spheres, Huge EXP Potions, hero equipment of purple and orange rarity, and Jet's Soul Stones.
New goods appear every 24 hours at 9 PM your local time. Also, you can refresh the Shop using emeralds.

You get Soul Coins by exchanging Soul Stones of absolute evolution heroes. The exchange rate is 100 Soul Coins for one Soul Stone. Once you open the shop, you will be offered to trade the excessive Soul Stones.

Titan Soul Shop becomes available once you evolve at least one of your titans to the Absolute Star. You can access it by clicking Merchant in the bottom-right corner of the Guild Island area.

Here, you can spend Titan Soul Coins to purchase Sparks of Power, gold, and Titan Potions.

You get Titan Soul Coins by exchanging Soul Stones of absolute evolution titans. The exchange rate is 10 Titan Soul Coins for one Titan/Supertitan Soul Stone. Once you open the shop, you will be offered to trade the excessive Soul Stones.

Pet Soul Stone Shop becomes available once you open the Adventure mode. You can enter the Pet Soul Stone Shop by clicking Merchant in Sanctuary.

Here, you can get Pet Soul Coins by exchanging excessive Soul Stones of pets who have already evolved to the Absolute Star. You can use these Soul Coins to purchase Pet Potions (used to level up pets), Chaos Particles (used to charge pet Stones), and Soul Stones of various heroes. Alternatively, you can use gold to purchase Pet Potions and Chaos Particles.
The list of the goods for purchase refreshes every 24 hours at 9:00 PM your local time zone. In addition, you can update the list for 50 emeralds. This price gradually increases with each refresh attempt.

Realm Traveler sells various buffs that boost your heroes against the Asgard boss and his minions. To access Realm Traveler, click the merchant icon in the Guild Raid menu:

To buy anything in this shop, you need Valor Emblems. To earn them, you need to defeat the boss's minions.
When a new Guild Raid starts on Monday, all Valor Emblems reset to zero.
The buffs that you can purchase here fall into four categories:
Gold buffs that cost 1,000,000 gold each. You can buy each of these buffs up to five times.
Epic buffs that cost 150 Valor Emblems each.
Rare buffs that cost 100 Valor Emblems each.
Uncommon buffs that cost 50 Valor Emblems each.
Each buff activates when you purchase it and expires on Sunday when Guild Raid ends. Buffs are only active in Guild Raid; they do not affect other game modes. Moreover, all Guild Raid buffs are personal and are not shared with other Guild members.
Elemental Tournament Shop becomes available at team level 60. To find the store, go to Celestial City on the Guild main screen and click Titan Valley.

After that, click Merchant in the bottom-left corner.

There are two tabs in the Shop: Titan Artifacts and Certificate Exchange. Here you can spend Elemental Tournament Coins to purchase titan artifact fragments and exchange Elemental Tournament Certificates for hero Soul Stones, Large Skin Stone Chests, Artifact Coins, and Chaos Cores.

You can get Elemental Tournament Coins as a reward for participating in the Tournament of the Elements and completing some quests and tasks in special events.

You can get Elemental Tournament Certificates at the Hall of Fame and as a reward for completing tasks in special events.
The Rarity Fair is available to players with VIP level 1 and higher. Here, you can promote a hero to the next rank by buying all the necessary gear items with emeralds.
The Rarity Fair appears on the right side of the main menu after you spend energy on Campaign missions. The Fair remains available for one hour.

If you do not use the offer within one hour, the merchant at the Rarity Fair will leave and will not appear again for the next six hours. But if you purchase an upgrade, the merchant will appear again earlier once you spend more energy.
If the hero you want to upgrade does not appear in the promotion list, it means that this hero does not meet the criteria of the Rarity Fair:
This hero's rank is too low. The Rarity Fair does not provide white gear items.
Hero's current level is not high enough to equip all the necessary gear items. You need to level up the hero. After that, you will be able to promote them at the Rarity Fair. You can check the required level in hero's profile or the item creation menu.

If you do not have heroes under these criteria, Rarity Fair will not appear at all.