Items, Resources, and Currencies
There is a great variety of items, resources, and currencies in the game. In this article, we gathered and described the most important ones and explained how to get them.
The most valuable and frequently used resources in the game.

You need energy to complete missions in the Campaign. You receive one energy point automatically every six minutes. Once the energy reaches the maximum capacity, it stops restoring. In addition, you can get energy:
by increasing your team level;
by completing the daily quest "Get free energy 3 times per day";
by using a special item called Bottled Energy;
by completing tasks in special events;
by claiming gifts in our official communities;
in exchange for emeralds.

Emeralds are the universal game currency. There are several ways to get them:
as a daily login reward;
by completing quests;
by promoting heroes to a higher rank;
by receiving Arena ranking rewards;
by completing tasks in special events;
by purchasing special offers;
in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame;
as a reward in a Season;
by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game;
at the Emerald Shop.

Gold is the basic currency used to upgrade heroes, titans, and pets. There are several ways to obtain it:
by completing Campaign missions;
by completing daily quests;
in Tower;
at the Titan Soul Shop;
from an Honorable Guardian Box;
by selling items from Inventory;
as a gift from your Guild Master;
by collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab;
by saving at checkpoints in the Dungeon;
during special events;
by using Emerald Exchange,
by purchasing special offers.

Your VIP level depends on the number of VIP points you have. Any purchase grants you a certain number of VIP points. You can earn them by:
purchasing emeralds at the Emerald Shop,
extending Valkyrie's Favor,
purchasing Golden Ticket and levels for it,
performing paid server transfers,
purchasing special offers.
Game resources and items you need to upgrade your heroes.

You need Soul Stones to evolve your heroes. There are several ways to get hero Soul Stones:
at the Soul Atrium;
by completing heroic missions in the Campaign;
by completing daily quests;
at the Arena Shop;
at the Grand Arena Shop;
at the Tower Shop;
at the Soul Shop;
at the Friendship Shop;
at the Outland Shop;
at the Guild War Shop;
at the Pet Shop;
at the Elemental Tournament Shop;
in an Honorable Guardian Box;
by completing tasks in special events;
by purchasing special offers.

Skill Points are needed to level up hero skills. You get one point automatically every five minutes, but you can also purchase them with emeralds.

EXP Potions are needed to level up your heroes. The color of the potion determines the amount of experience it contains. There are several ways to get EXP potions:
by completing Campaign missions;
by receiving Arena ranking rewards;
at the Town Shop;
at the Soul Shop;
by completing tasks in special events;
by purchasing special offers;
as a reward in a Season.

Equipment improves hero stats and allows to promote heroes to the next rank. The puzzle icon in the upper-left corner indicates equipment fragments. There are several ways to get equipment:
by completing Campaign missions;
by opening Tower chests;
by purchasing chests at the Guild War Shop;
at the Town Shop;
at the Arena Shop;
at the Grand Arena Shop;
at the Tower Shop;
at the Soul Shop;
at the Friendship Shop;
at the Outland Shop;
at the Rarity Fair;
as a reward in a Season.

Skins grant bonuses either to main or to secondary stats. Once you upgrade a specific skin, your hero does not have to wear it: the bonus is permanent and stacks with other skin bonuses.
Each hero has a Default skin unlocked. There are several ways to unlock additional skins:
by using Skin Stones;
by using Guild War trophies;
during special events.

Skin Stones are needed to upgrade hero skins. There are several ways to get them:
by opening chests at the Outland;
as a daily login reward;
from an Honorable Guardian Box;
from a Skin Stone Chest;
by buying special offers;
as a reward in a Season;
by completing tasks in special events.

Runes are used to level up Glyphs. There are several ways to get them:
by completing daily quests;
by earning Guild activity points;
at the Grand Arena Shop;
by completing tasks in special events;
as a reward in a Season.

Sparks of Power are used to upgrade Gift of the Elements. There are several ways to get them:
at the Titan Soul Shop;
by leveling up titans;
by leveling up titan artifacts;
by promoting titan artifacts to the next star rank;
by awakening titan artifacts;
by leveling up titan skins;
by increasing titan star rank.

Artifact resources are used to level up hero artifacts. You can get the resources:
by completing expeditions;
from Artifact Chests;
from Artifact Boxes;
by completing tasks in special events;
from special offers;
as a reward in a Season.

Chaos Cores are used to increase the star rank of artifacts. There are several ways to get them:
by completing expeditions;
from Artifact Chests;
at the Elemental Tournament Shop;
by completing tasks in special events;
as a reward in a Season.

Eternal Seeds are a rare resource required every five levels when you upgrade the branches of the Great Tree of Wisdom. You can get them:
by defeating the boss in Asgard;
in Astral Seer's grand prize;
by completing specific one-time quests;
by completing special events;
as a Season reward.

Ancient Wisdom Crystals are used to upgrade heroes at the Great Tree of Wisdom. You get Ancient Wisdom Crystals whenever you upgrade a hero in Ascension Spire.

Star Mana is required to upgrade heroes in Ascension Spine. To get this resource:
defeat the boss's minions in Asgard;
defeat the boss in Asgard;
complete specific one-time quests;
complete weekly quests;
complete special events.

Crystals and Insignias are required to upgrade heroes in Ascension Spire. You can get them:
by defeating the boss's minions in Asgard;
by defeating the boss in Asgard;
at Astral Seer;
by completing weekly quests;
by completing specific one-time quests;
by completing special events;
as a Season reward.

A Gift of Dominion promotes any hero you own to the next rank. For example, if your hero is at green rank, the Gift of Dominion will upgrade them to green+1.
Note: if you have collected all available heroes (except Cleaver) and they are already at the max rank, you can exchange a Gift of Dominion for 40,000 emeralds or just wait for new heroes and upgrade them.
You can get Gifts of Dominion at the Clash of Worlds Shop or during Seasons.
There are five types of Gifts of Dominion:
Gift of Dominion can level a hero of any rank up to the next rank. The maximum rank to which it can upgrade a hero is red+2.
Note: you can get this item only as a reward in Seasons. -
Uncommon Gift of Dominion can level up a hero of green+1 rank or lower. The maximum rank to which it can upgrade a hero is blue.
Rare Gift of Dominion levels a hero of blue+2 rank or lower. The maximum rank to which it can upgrade a hero is violet.
Epic Gift of Dominion levels up a hero of violet+3 rank or lower. The maximum rank to which it can upgrade a hero is orange.
Legendary Gift of Dominion levels up a hero of orange+4 rank or lower. The maximum rank to which it can upgrade a hero is red.
Note: when you collect a Gift of Dominion as a reward in a Season, a pop-up window will appear. There, you can select which hero to promote with the Gift of Dominion. You can also close this window and do not collect the Gift of Dominion. In this case, you will receive the Gift in your in-game mail after the Season ends. Once you collect a Gift of Dominion from the letter, it will appear in your Inventory. To find it, check the bottom of the Consumable tab. You can use the Gift anytime; it cannot expire.
Gifts of Dominion bought from the Clash of Worlds Shop immediately appear in your Inventory.
If the hero you want to upgrade does not appear in the promotion list, it means that their current level is not high enough to equip all the necessary gear items. You need to level up the hero. After that, you will be able to use the Gift of Dominion to promote them.
To check the required level, click Heroes in the main menu and select a hero. You will see the item list on the right side of the window. The items to the right usually need a higher hero level.
Game resources and items you need to upgrade your titans.

You need Soul Stones to evolve titans. There are several ways to get them:
from the Circle of Summoning;
by beating Dungeon;
from Chests of Titans/Supertitans;
by completing quests;
by purchasing special offers;
as a reward in a Season;
by completing tasks in special events.

Summoning Spheres grant random Titan Soul Stones. There are several ways to get them:
by completing your personal daily quest to collect titanite;
by completing the Guild daily task to collect titanate;
as a gift from your Guild Master;
by completing tasks in special events;
by using emeralds.

Titan Potions are used to level up titans. You can get them:
by beating Dungeon;
at the Guild War Shop;
at the Titan Soul Shop;
as a gift from your Guild Master;
by completing tasks in special events.

Titan Artifact Spheres grant titan artifact fragments and might drop an Elemental Spirit fragment. You can open them on the Altar of the Elements. There are several ways to get them:
by completing daily quests;
by following links in the community posts every Saturday and Sunday;
by using emeralds.

Each titan has a Default skin unlocked. Some titans also have Champion skins. You can upgrade or unlock skins with Titan Skin Stones.

Titan Skin Stones are used to improve titan skins. You can exchange Bronze Guild Trophies for Titan Skin Stones at the Guild War Shop, obtain them as a reward in special events, or get them from a special offer.

There are three types of titan artifacts: Weapon, Crown, and Seal. Each artifact grants a titan additional characteristics. You can obtain them from Titan Artifact Spheres.
Game resources and items you need to upgrade your pets.

You need Soul Stones to evolve your pets. There are several ways to get them:
by opening Pet Summoning Eggs;
by using emeralds at the Pet Summoning Tree;
by purchasing special offers;
by completing tasks in special events.

Pet Summoning Eggs grant random Pet Soul Stones. There are several ways to get them:
by completing Adventures;
by completing daily tasks.

Pet Potions are used to level up pets. You can get them:
at the Pet Soul Stone Shop;
by completing Adventures;
with emeralds.

Chaos Particles are used to charge or buy Pet Stones. You can get Chaos Particles:
by completing daily quests;
by completing Adventures;
at the Pet Soul Stone Shop.

A Gift of the Sanctuary promotes any pet you own to the next rank. For example, if your pet is at violet rank, the Gift of the Sanctuary will upgrade them to violet+1.
You can use the Gift to grant a rank to any pet of your choice. However, it is more effective to promote a violet+3-ranked pet. The higher the rank, the more effective the promotion is.
You can get the Gift of the Sanctuary only as a reward in a Season. If you do not use the Gift of the Sanctuary by the time the Season ends, you will receive it in your in-game mail.
Note: when you collect a Gift of the Sanctuary as a reward in a Season, a pop-up window will appear. There, you can select which pet to promote with the Gift of the Sanctuary. You can also close this window and do not collect the Gift of the Sanctuary. In this case, you will receive the Gift in your in-game mail after the Season ends. Once you collect a Gift of the Sanctuary from the letter, it will appear in your Inventory. To find it, check the bottom of the Consumable tab. You can use the Gift anytime; it cannot expire.
If you have collected all available pets and they are already at the max rank, you can exchange the Gift of the Sanctuary for 100,000 emeralds or just wait for new pets and upgrade them.
Game resources and items you can obtain in a Guild.

Titanite is the resource you need to collect in the Dungeon to complete Guild activity quests.

Divination Cards allow you to complete Dungeon battles instantly. Note that your titans still take damage. That is why you cannot use Divination cards if all of your titans are dead.
Active Valkyrie's Favor grants 15 Divination Cards, and you also get up to 15 additional Divination Cards for reaching certain milestones in the Dungeon.

Bronze and Qualifying league members receive Bronze Guild War trophies daily.
When a Guild War week ends, top-30 Bronze league Guilds and all Qualifying league participants receive Bronze trophies.
Also, you can exchange Silver trophies for Bronze ones at the Guild War Shop.

Silver league members receive Silver Guild War trophies daily.
When a Guild War week ends, top-10 Silver league Guilds receive both Silver and Bronze trophies.
Also, you can exchange Gold trophies for Silver ones at the Guild War Shop. You cannot exchange Bronze trophies for Silver ones.

Clash of Worlds trophies are the main reward in Clash of Worlds. You can use them to upgrade light and dark totems or to purchase goods at the Clash of Worlds Shop.
All Guild members get Clash of Worlds trophies daily. At the end of the Clash of Worlds Season, each member receives a certain number of Clash of Worlds trophies based on the league and division of their Guild.
Guilds that end the Season in the Top 50 get an additional reward of Clash of Worlds trophies.
When a Guild advances to a new league for the first time in the Season, all members get Clash of Worlds trophies.
Note: Clash of Worlds rewards are sent in a letter to your in-game mailbox — do not forget to collect them!
Coins and certificates are currencies used to buy various items in Shops.

Once you evolve a hero to the Absolute Star, you can exchange extra Soul Stones of this hero for Hero Soul Coins. You can use the Coins to buy items at the Soul Shop.

Once you evolve a titan to the Absolute Star, you can exchange extra Soul Stones of this titan for Titan Soul Coins. You can use them to buy items at the Titan Soul Shop.

Once you evolve a pet to the Absolute Star, you can exchange extra Soul Stones of this pet for Pet Soul Coins. You can use them to buy items in Pet Soul Shop.

Arena Coins are used to buy items at the Arena Shop.
You receive 20 Arena Coins when you win an Arena battle.
You receive 10 Arena Coins (maximum 50 Coins daily) when you defend successfully in the Arena.
You can receive a daily Arena reward that contains Arena Coins.

Grand Arena Coins are used to buy items at the Grand Arena Shop.
You receive 20 Grand Arena Coins when you win a Grand Arena battle.
You receive 10 Grand Arena Coins (maximum 50 Coins daily) when you defend successfully in the Grand Arena.
Grand Arena Coins are accumulated hourly. You can claim them in the Grand Arena menu.

Tower Coins are the currency used at the Tower Shop. You can get them:
by opening Tower Chests;
by earning Tower points in Tower fights.

You need Artifact Coins to purchase artifact fragments from the Artifact Merchant. There are several ways to get Artifact Coins:
by completing expeditions,
by opening Artifact Chests;
by purchasing Artifact Coins at the Elemental Tournament Shop;
by purchasing special offers that contain Artifact Coins;
by receiving Artifact Coins daily as long as your Valkyrie's Favor is active.

Outland Coins are the currency used at the Outland Shop. You can get them:
by defeating Outland bosses;
by claiming the daily reward in the Outland;
by opening Outland Chests;
by completing the daily quest "Upgrade any hero's skin 1 time";
by purchasing special offers that contain Outland Coins.

Friendship Chips are used to buy items at the Friendship Shop. There are several ways to get the Chips:
Friendship Chips are sent to you by your guildmates. You can find gifts in the game mail.
Complete the daily quest "Send gifts to your guildmates" to get 100 Friendship Chips.
You can purchase special offers that contain Friendship Chips.

Elemental Tournament Coins are used to buy Titan Artifact fragments at the Elemental Tournament Shop. To earn these Coins:
Participate in the Elemental Tournament to obtain Elemental Tournament Coins.
Complete the daily quest "Open the Titan Artifact Sphere" to get 300 Elemental Tournament Coins.

An Elemental Tournament Certificate is a weekly reward for participating in the Tournament of the Elements. You can use certificates to buy items at the Elemental Tournament Shop.

Valor Emblems are used to purchase various buffs at the Guild Raid Shop. To earn Valor Emblems, you need to defeat the boss's minions. A new Guild Raid starts on Monday, and all Valor Emblems are reset to zero.

Agility Skin Stones are used to level up and unlock the skins of heroes whose main stat is agility. To earn Agility Skin Stones:
Open Outland Chests.
Open Skin Stone Chests.
Defeat Brog, an Outland boss.

Intelligence Skin Stones are used to level up and unlock the skins of heroes whose main stat is intelligence. To earn Intelligence Skin Stones:
Open Outland Chests.
Open Skin Stone Chests.
Defeat Vadjar, an Outland boss.

Strength Skin Stones are used to level up and unlock the skins of heroes whose main stat is strength. To earn Strength Skin Stones:
Open Outland Chests.
Open Skin Stone Chests.
Defeat Ilyssa, an Outland boss.

Titan Skin Stones are used to level up and unlock titan skins. You can buy them at the Guild War Shop with Bronze Guild War trophies.
Other resources found in the game.

Boxes contain random rewards. You can get them by following the links from our official site or Facebook page. The Box type you get depends on your team level.

When you reach the maximum team level, the daily quest reward changes. Instead of EXP points, you will get Honorable Guardian Boxes. They contain random rewards.

You need Artifact Chest Keys to open Artifact Chests. You can get Artifact Chest Keys:
by completing daily quests;
by completing one-time quests;
as a daily reward by tapping Valkyrie on Airship;
as a bonus for purchasing or renewing Valkyrie's Favor;
by completing tasks in special events.

A Bottled Energy contains 200 points of energy. You can get Bottled Energy:
at the Town Shop;
in special offers;
as a reward in a Season;
by completing tasks in special events.

Each time you win a battle in the Tower, you earn Skulls. You can spend them on various buffs at Tower altars. To get the maximum number of Skulls, you need to earn three stars.

A Demon Doll contains various game resources. The reward you receive from a Doll is always random. Moreover, you can even receive another Demon Doll as a reward!
You can get Demon Dolls during a special event. You receive one Demon Doll for every 35 energy points spent in the Campaign. To open earned Dolls, you need to go to the Inventory.

A Heroic Nesting Doll contains various game resources. The reward you receive from a Doll is always random. Moreover, you can even receive another Heroic Nesting Doll as a reward!
You can get Heroic Nesting Dolls:
from a Heroic Nesting Doll;
by completing tasks in special events.

An avatar is your in-game portrait. It displays your personality! Basic avatars are available from the beginning of the game. There are several ways to get additional avatars:
by getting new heroes;
by getting new titans;
by promoting heroes to purple rank;
by completing Campaign missions;
by completing achievements;
by purchasing hero skins;
by upgrading hero skins to level 60;
by upgrading titan skins;
by completing tasks in special events.

A frame surrounds your avatar. You can get frames:
by completing achievements;
by completing tasks in special events;
by activating Season Gold Tickets;
by getting to Asgard's All-time Top.