Upcoming events
In Hero Wars: Dominion Era, you can participate in special events available for a limited period of time and get various rewards. In this article, you can find the list of events, their quests and rewards.
The information below is preliminary. The event content may be subject to change.
The Autumn Festival event lasts three days. Complete quests and receive Harunian Brew, which contains various resources, including heroes' gear of purple and orange rarity.
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
Welcome Guest, where you can receive Harunian Brew for logging in to the game daily.
Special Invitation, where you can receive Harunian Brew for reaching certain VIP levels.
Business Mindset, where you can receive Harunian Brew for spending emeralds.
Crystal Depths, where you can receive Harunian Brew for obtaining titanite.
Onwards and Upwards!, where you can receive Harunian Brew for opening chests in the Tower.
Team Morale, where you can receive Harunian Brew for obtaining Hero Soul Stones.
Incredible Tenacity, where you can receive Harunian Brew for spending energy.
Otherworldly Delegates, where you can receive Harunian Brew for opening Pet Summoning Eggs.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Guardians of Outland event lasts three days. Complete quests to get Outland Coins, Skin Stones, and energy!
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
The Path of Tenacity, where you can receive energy for logging in to the game daily.
The Path of Glory, where you can receive Outland Coins and Skin Stones Chests for reaching certain VIP levels.
Going Forward, where you can receive Outland Coins and Skin Stones Chests for spending emeralds.
The Path of Wisdom, where you can receive Outland Coins and Intelligence Skin Stones for spending energy.
The Path of Agility, where you can receive Outland Coins and Agility Skin Stones for obtaining Hero Soul Stones.
The Path of Strength, where you can receive Outland Coins and Strength Skin Stones for opening Outland chests.
The Path of Power, where you can receive Outland Coins for completing Guardians of Outland quests.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Foundations of Power event lasts three days. Complete quests to get Titan Skin Stones, Titan Potions, and emeralds!
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
The Three Elements, where you can receive Titan Skin Stones for logging in to the game daily.
The Patron, where you can receive Titan Potions and Titan Skin Stones for reaching certain VIP levels.
Titanic Scale, where you can receive emeralds for purchasing emeralds.
The Steadfast Maker, where you can receive Titan Skin Stones for spending emeralds.
Persistence of the Old Ones, where you can receive Titan Skin Stones for spending energy.
The Adept of Progress, where you can receive Titan Skin Stones for completing summons in the Summoning Circle.
Rich Deposits, where you can receive Titan Skin Stones for obtaining titanite.
Soft Power, where you can receive Titan Skin Stones for opening Outland chests.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Shining Ascension event lasts three days. Complete quests to get resources for upgrading light titans!
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
The Sun Rises, where you can receive Light Particles for logging in to the game daily.
The White Insignia, where you can receive Light Particles for reaching certain VIP levels.
Parade of Virtues, where you can receive emeralds for getting VIP points.
Boundless Wellspring, where you can receive Light Particles for spending emeralds.
The High Sun, where you can receive Light Particles for spending energy.
Undying Light, where you can receive Light Particles for leveling up titans.
Shining Armor, where you can receive Light Particles for leveling up light titan skins.
Power of Light, where you can receive Light Particles for completing summons in the Summoning Circle.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Time of the Fearless event can last one or three days. Complete quests to get energy, gold, Arena Coins, Skin Stone Chests, Outland Coins, Tower Coins, Strength Skin Coins, Intelligence Skin Coins, and Agility Skin Coins.
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The three-day version of the event has these quest chains:
Welcome Guest, where you can receive energy for logging in to the game daily.
Special Invitation, where you can receive Skin Stone Chests and Outland Coins for reaching certain VIP levels.
Incredible Tenacity, where you can receive Strength Skin Coins and Outland Coins for spending energy.
Otherworldly Summons, where you can receive Intelligence Skin Stones and Outland Coins for opening Outland Chests.
Team Morale, where you can receive Agility Skin Stones and Outland Coins for obtaining Hero Soul Stones.
Martial Glory, where you can receive gold and Arena Coins for fighting in the Arena and Grand Arena.
Halls of the Old Ones, where you can receive gold and Tower Coins for opening chests in the Tower.
Triumph of Tenacity, where you can receive Skin Stone Chests and gold for completing quests in the "Time of the Fearless" special event.
The one-day version of the event has these quest chains:
Halls of the Old Ones, where you can receive energy for winning Guild Dungeon battles using heroes.
Special Invitation, where you can receive Skin Stone Chests and Outland Coins for reaching certain VIP levels.
Incredible Tenacity, where you can receive Strength Skin Coins and Outland Coins for spending energy.
Martial Glory, where you can receive Strength Skin Coins and Outland Coins for fighting in the Arena and Grand Arena.
Team Morale, where you can receive Agility Skin Stones and Outland Coins for obtaining Hero Soul Stones.
Triumph of Tenacity, where you can receive Skin Stone chests for completing quests in the "Time of the Fearless" special event.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Color of the Night event lasts three days. Complete quests to get resources for upgrading dark titans!
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
The Footsteps of Darkness, where you can receive Dark Particles for logging in to the game daily.
Power of Darkness, where you can receive Dark Particles for reaching certain VIP levels.
The Black Wealth, where you can receive emeralds for getting VIP points.
Gifts of Darkness, where you can receive Dark Particles for spending emeralds.
Black Might, where you can receive Dark Particles for spending energy.
Dark Vestments, where you can receive Dark Particles for leveling up titans.
The Embodiment of Darkness, where you can receive Dark Particles for leveling up dark titan skins.
Lore of the Shadows, where you can receive Dark Particles for completing summons in the Summoning Circle.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
A Portal Anomaly event lasts three days. Complete quests to get resources for pet upgrades: Chaos Particles, Pet Potions, Pet Summoning Eggs, and Portal Charges!
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
Gates of Chaos, where you can receive Chaos Particles for reaching certain VIP levels.
The Spring of Elements, where you can receive Pet Potions and Chaos Particles for spending emeralds.
The Ritual of Absolute Triumph, where you can receive Chaos Particles for completing quests of the event "A Portal Anomaly".
Anomalous Activity, where you can receive Portal Charges for logging in to the game daily.
The Endless Adventure, where you can receive Portal Charges and Pet Summoning Eggs for opening Adventure chests.
The Legendary Patrons, where you can receive Pet Potions and Chaos Particles for opening Pet Summoning Eggs.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Elemental Synergy event is available at team level 60 and lasts three days. Complete quests to get resources for upgrading Titan Artifacts!
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
The Paragon of Stability, where you can receive Ancient Titan Artifact Chests for logging in to the game daily.
Stairs of Might, where you can receive gold and Elemental Tournament Certificates for reaching certain VIP levels.
Control of the Elements, where you can receive Artifact Seal Chests for spending emeralds.
Seal of Tenacity, where you can receive Ancient Artifact Chests for completing Elemental Synergy quests.
Unstoppable, where you can receive Ancient Titan Artifact Chests for spending energy.
Otherworldly Summons, where you can receive Ancient Titan Artifact Chests for opening Outland Chests.
Faithful Guardians, where you can receive Ancient Titan Artifact Chests for obtaining Hero Soul Stones.
The Steadfast Maker, where you can receive Ancient Titan Artifact Chests for opening Titan Artifact Chests.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Legacy of the Great Ones event lasts three days.
When you complete tasks of the Legacy of the Great Ones event, you earn Event Points. They go to your reward progress automatically as soon as you complete a task, and you also receive the Quest complete! notification at the top of the game screen.
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
Level up any artifact.
Get VIP points.
Spend emeralds.
Spend energy.
Open the Artifact Chest.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Scorching Days event lasts three days. Complete quests to get Titan Potions and Demonic Sparks.
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
Paragon of Stability, where you can receive Titan Potions and Demonic Sparks for logging in to the game daily.
Higher Flame, where you can receive Titan Potions and Demonic Sparks for opening Titan Artifact Spheres.
Shock Power, where you can receive Demonic Sparks for leveling up Moloch.
Power of Fire, where you can receive Demonic Sparks for leveling up Vulcan.
Lighting of Fire, where you can receive Demonic Sparks for leveling up Ignis.
Determination, where you can receive Demonic Sparks for leveling up Araji.
Unstoppable, where you can receive Titan Potions and Demonic Sparks for spending energy.
Control of the Elements, where you can receive Demonic Sparks for completing the Scorching Days quests.

Demonic Spark is a unique resource from the Scorching Days special event. You can get Fire Titans Soul Stones and other unexpected rewards from it.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Rainy Season event lasts three days. Complete quests to get Titan Potions and Raindrops.
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
Paragon of Stability, where you can receive Titan Potions and Raindrops for logging in to the game daily.
Summoning of the Great Ones, where you can receive Titan Potions and Raindrops for completing summons in the Summoning Circle.
A Shield of Elements, where you can receive Raindrops for leveling up Sigurd.
Storm and Stress, where you can receive Raindrops for leveling up Nova.
One and Whole, where you can receive Raindrops for leveling up Mairi.
Majesty & Wisdom, where you can receive Raindrops for leveling up Hyperion.
Halls of the Old Ones, where you can receive Titan Potions and Raindrops for opening chests in the Tower.
Control of the Elements, where you can receive Raindrops for completing the Rainy Season quests.

Raindrop is a unique resource from the Rainy Season special event. You can get Water Titans Soul Stones and other unexpected rewards from it.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Riotous Growth event lasts three days. Complete quests to get Titan Potions, Elemental Tournament Certificates, and Mandrake Roots.
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
Paragon of Stability, where you can receive Titan Potions and Mandrake Roots for logging in to the game daily.
Sparkling Beauty, where you can receive Titan Potions and Mandrake Roots for upgrading any titan skins.
Nature's Tenacity, where you can receive Mandrake Roots for leveling up Angus.
Increasing Strength, where you can receive Mandrake Roots for leveling up Sylva.
Steady Tread, where you can receive Mandrake Roots for leveling up Avalon.
One with Nature, where you can receive Mandrake Roots for acquiring Heroes' Soul Stones.
Combat Support, where you can receive Mandrake Roots and Elemental Tournament Certificates for opening chests in the Outland.
Control of the Elements, where you can receive Mandrake Roots for completing the Riotous Growth quests.

Mandrake Root is a unique resource from the Riotous Growth special event. You can get Earth Titans Soul Stones and other unexpected rewards from it.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Creatures of the Night event introduces a new pet — Vex. The event lasts seven days and consists of two parts:
The story adventure on the special map. You can enter it through the portal on the main screen. There, you can fight different teams and get Essence of the Afterlife for winning. Moreover, there is a series of missions on the event map. Completing them will give additional Noctus's Orders as a reward and also add to the progress of certain event quests.
Event quests in a separate tab in the Special Events window. Complete these quests and receive event items, such as Noctus's Orders, Essence of the Afterlife, and emeralds.

Noctus's Orders are required to start a battle on the event map.

Essence of the Afterlife is an event currency that you can use in the event shop.
The event has several quest chains:
Receive Noctus's Orders for logging in to the game daily.
Receive Noctus's Orders for reaching certain VIP levels.
Receive extra emeralds for purchasing emeralds.
Receive Essence of the Afterlife for spending emeralds.
Receive Noctus's Orders for completing missions on the event map.
Receive Noctus's Orders for spending energy.
Receive Noctus's Orders for opening Pet Summoning Eggs.
Receive Noctus's Orders for opening Adventure chests.
The Keira Brawls event lasts three days. Fight opponents and complete quests to get various rewards: Soul Stones, emeralds, Brawl Coins, and Nesting Dolls.

Here are some activities you can take part in to get rewards:
You can receive Keira Soul Stones for logging in to the game daily.
You can receive extra emeralds for purchasing emeralds.
You can receive Brawl Coins for spending emeralds.
You can receive Brawl Coins and Keira Nesting Dolls for spending energy.
You can receive Brawl Coins and Keira Nesting Dolls for opening Outland Chests.
You can receive Brawl Coins for fighting in the Arena and Grand Arena.
You can receive Brawl Coins and Keira Nesting Dolls for opening the Artifact Chest.
You can receive Brawl Coins and Keira Nesting Dolls for opening Tower Chests.
You can also earn Brawl Coins for winning battles and for the win streak.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Spooky Festival event lasts seven days. Complete quests to get Ghost Candies, Spooky Festival coins, special avatars, and avatar frames!
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
Shady Dealings, where you can receive Ghost Candies and an avatar for completing the Spooky Festival special event quests.
Fearless, where you can receive Ghost Candies and an avatar for logging in to the game daily.
Underworld Party, where you can receive Ghost Candies, an avatar, and an avatar frame.
Black Energy, where you can receive Ghost Candies and a Spooky Festival coin for spending energy.
Candy Thief, where you can receive Ghost Candies and a Spooky Festival coin for opening chests in Outland.
Ghostly Sleep, where you can receive Ghost Candies and a Spooky Festival coin for obtaining Hero Soul Stones.
Special Invitation, where you can receive Ghost Candies and an avatar for reaching certain VIP levels.
Demon Hunter, where you can receive Ghost Candies and an avatar for Destroying Evil Minions in the Furnace of Souls.
There is also an event portal on the game's main screen. The timer below shows the time till the event ends:

If you go through this portal, you will see the following screen:

In the Furnace of Souls, you can take part in the event battles against Evil Minions to earn rewards.
To exchange your Spooky Festival Coins for various goods, go to the Merchant.
If you click the pumpkin in the lower-right corner, you will go to the Spooky Cauldron, where you can exchange Ghost Candies for various rewards.

You can get Ghost Candies for completing event quests and then exchange them in the Spooky Cauldron.

Spooky Festival Coin is a special currency of the Spooky Festival. You can use them to buy various goods in the Merchant. When the event ends, Coins will remain in your Inventory. To access the Merchant and use Coins, find them in the Coins section of your Inventory and press Spend.

Spooky Festival Doll contains useful and unexpected rewards. You can find it at the Spooky Festival shop.

You can get Trickster Chests after the Spooky Festival is over. The remaining Ghost Candies will be automatically exchanged for these chests.
The Spooky Festival also contains puzzles and easter eggs. Follow our social media or ask other players for hints on where to find them!
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
This event will last three days. Upgrade Keira and get additional rewards for it!
During the event, you can upgrade Keira and get points for it. When you receive enough points to reach a certain threshold, you will obtain a reward.
There are several types of quests in the event:
Promote Keira to the rank of a certain color. For example, you will need to promote Keira to purple rank to get the reward. This quest will be completed if Keira has a required rank already.
Evolve Keira's star rank. For example, evolve Keira's to four stars. This quest will be completed if Keira has a required star rank already.
Level up Keira's skins.
Level up Keira's artifacts.
Get VIP points.
Spend emeralds.
Spend energy.
Upgrade Keira's glyphs in the Ascension Spire.
Level up Keira's first artifact.
Level up Keira's glyphs a certain number of times.
Promote Vex to the rank of a certain color. For example, you will need to promote Vex to purple+ rank to get the reward. This quest will be completed if Vex has a required rank already.
The Ascension to Asgard event lasts three days. Complete quests to get Random Crystals, Wish Crystals, Random Vibrant Crystals, Random Radiant Crystals, Random Insignia, Random Greater Insignia, Eternal Seeds, and emeralds.
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window:

The event has several quest chains:
Welcome Guest, where you can receive Random Crystals and Wish Crystals for logging in to the game daily.
Special Invitation, where you can receive Random Crystals and Wish Crystals for reaching certain VIP levels.
Ascension, where you can receive extra emeralds for purchasing them.
Going Forward, where you can receive Wish Crystals, Wish Insignia, and Eternal Seeds for spending emeralds.
Challenges Await, where you can receive Random Crystals, Random Radiant Crystals, and Wish Crystals for spending energy.
The Fellowship of Strength, where you can receive Random Crystals, Random Radiant Crystals, Random Insignia, and Random Greater Insignia for battles with the boss / boss's minions in Asgard.
If the event takes place during the weekdays, this quest requires battling the boss's minions. If it takes place on the weekend, you need to battle the boss.
Star Resistance, where you can receive Random Crystals, Random Radiant Crystals, Random Vibrant Crystals, Random Insignia, and Random Greater Insignia for unlocking Ascension glyphs in the Ascension Spire.
Afterlight, where you can receive Random Crystals, Random Radiant Crystals, Random Vibrant Crystals, Random Insignia and Random Greater Insignia, and Eternal Seeds for using astral providence.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
The Great Storm event lasts three days. Win battles and increase Storm Resistance, find hidden chests on the map, destroy Buff Towers, and face the Boss in the final battle! Various rewards await you: Pet Soul Stones, Chaos Particles, Pet Potions, and gold.
This survival guide will help you pass the Great Storm successfully:
Event Map

You can find the event entrance on the main screen.
After clicking the entrance portal, you will see the following window:

The map has 57 locations with opponents and the Eye of the Storm in the middle, where you can fight with the final Boss for greater rewards.
To weaken the Heart of the Storm, you need to destroy three Harbinger's Steles:

You can also find three Buff Towers on the map. To activate the buff, move your team to the Tower location and select one of the three buffs offered to you. Buff locations look like this:

Buffs help you pass through the Storm. Thus, try to plan your route to collect all three buffs, and also select those buffs that will be useful for your team specifically.
There are several Treasure Chests hidden around the map. You need to explore the map and defeat opponents to reveal the Chests. When your team is next to the Chest, you will see the A chest is nearby! notification:

To find the chest, check the nearby locations.
You can also find the following information on the event map:

The Storm Resistance increases the armor stats of your team in the event battles.
At Merchant, you can spend your Storm Coins on the resources for pet upgrades.
At Log, you can see the history of your battles on the Great Storm map.
Rules contain the description of the event.
The timer till the end of the Great Storm.
The hidden chests on the Great Storm map. The opened ones mean that you have already found them and collected the reward. You can open the final chest after the Boss fight.
Your current Storm Coins balance.
The Action Points you have. You need the Points to move across the map.
To receive Action Points, complete quests in the corresponding Special Events tab:

The event has several quest chains:
The Long Storm, where you can receive Action Points for logging in to the game daily.
Lord of the Storm, where you can receive Action Points for reaching certain VIP levels.
Vanquisher of Chaos, where you can receive emeralds and Storm Coins for buying emeralds.
Nature's Might, where you can receive Action Points and Storm Coins for spending emeralds.
Continuous Battles, where you can receive Storm Coins for capturing locations on the Great Storm map.
Storm and Stress, where you can receive Action Points and Storm Coins for spending energy.
Tree of Life Gift, where you can receive Action Points and Storm Coins for opening Pet Summoning Eggs.
Reward for Courage, where you can receive Action Points for opening chests in regular Adventures.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.
What happens to event items after the event ends
After the end of the event, all unused Action Points and Storm Coins are automatically converted into Storm Legacy chests.

The Storm Legacy chest is a chest that can be acquired during the Great Storm event. It contains Chaos Particles, Pet Potions, and other useful rewards.
The Interplanetary Travel event lasts seven days. Join the battle and earn Julius Coins to buy valuable resources, including new Stellar skins. Moreover, you can even get an Absolute Elemental Spirit Summoning Sphere for a series of victories!
You can find the entrance to the event map on the main screen:

When you enter the event map for the first time, only the level 130 boss will be available. You can start the first boss fight for free. It will not require any resources.
After that, the first fight with boss minions will be unlocked. To start a battle with minions, you will need 6 Robot Energy that you can earn by completing quests.
You will receive Cosmic Powers and other resources for winning battles with minions. Cosmic Powers help you in boss fights: they give you a buff. If you do not have enough Cosmic Powers, the fight will be next to impossible to win.
Cosmic Power is deducted only when you win a battle. If the battle is lost, you keep your Cosmic Powers for another try.
Boss battles are tough, and you can add only certain heroes to your team. Before fighting the boss, ensure that (1) you have gathered a team that can counteract the boss and that (2) you have enough Cosmic Powers.
To increase the chance of defeating the boss on different levels, it is recommended to collect a certain amount of Cosmic Powers:
Boss level 130: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 0.
Boss level 140: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 20.
Boss level 150: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 30.
Boss level 160: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 40.
Boss level 170: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 60.
Boss level 180: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 70.
Boss level 190: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 90.
Boss level 200: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 100.
Boss level 210: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 110.
Boss level 220: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 130.
Boss level 230: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 140.
Boss level 240: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 170.
Boss level 250: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 190.
Boss level 260: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 210.
Boss level 270: recommended amount of Cosmic Powers — 230.
The event has several quest chains:
Warming the Engines, where you can receive Robot Energy for logging in to the game daily.
Upgrading AI Systems, where you can receive Robot Energy for reaching certain VIP levels.
Emerald Experiments, where you can receive emeralds for purchasing emeralds.
Research Funding, where you can receive Robot Energy for spending emeralds.
Planetary Analysis, where you can receive Robot Energy for completing event quests.
Power Supply, where you can receive Robot Energy for spending energy.
Outlandish Exploration, where you can receive Robot Energy for opening chests in Outland.
Glorious Victories, where you can receive valuable resources for defeating the event boss on different levels. The last reward in the Glorious Victories quest chain is an Absolute Elemental Spirit Summoning Sphere.
The Upgrade Nature Titans event lasts three days. Complete quests to get resources for upgrading water, fire, and earth titans!
You can find this event in a separate tab in the Special Events window.

The event has several quest chains:
The Paragon of Stability, where you can receive Mandrake Roots, Raindrops, and Demonic Sparks for logging in to the game daily.
Sparkling Beauty, where you can receive Mandrake Roots, Raindrops, and Demonic Sparks for leveling up titan skins.
Birth of the Great, where you can receive Mandrake Roots, Raindrops, and Demonic Sparks for completing summons in the Summoning Circle.
Increasing Strength, where you can receive Mandrake Roots, Raindrops, and Demonic Sparks for leveling up titans.
Combat Support, where you can receive Mandrake Roots, Raindrops, and Demonic Sparks for opening Titan Artifact Spheres.
Otherworldly Might, where you can receive Titans Skin Stones for opening Outland chests.
Unstoppable, where you can receive Mandrake Roots, Raindrops, and Demonic Sparks for spending energy.
Control of the Elements, where you can receive Elemental Tournament Certificates for completing event quests.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.

A Mandrake Root is a unique resource. You can get earth Titans' Soul Stones and other unexpected rewards from it.

A Raindrop is a unique resource. You can get water Titans' Soul Stones and other unexpected rewards from it.

A Demonic Spark is a unique resource. You can get fire Titans' Soul Stones and other unexpected rewards from it.
Hero Tournament of Power is a five-day event that becomes available at team level 20. During the event, you need to upgrade your heroes; each upgrade earns you tournament points. The more tournament points you earn, the more valuable rewards you will receive.
You can find the tournament entrance on the main screen:

During the tournament, players are divided into groups according to their team level and game activity. So, your group will have players with levels and activity measures similar to yours. Then, you will compete with these players to see who will get the most points.
If you change the server, all accumulated tournament points will be reset.
Like any other event, Hero Tournament of Power also has quest chains. Complete these chains to gain tournament points and resources for upgrading heroes. Click Event on the left side of the tournament screen to see the list of quests and available rewards:

Alternatively, you can open the event quests through the Special Events tab:

At Offers, you can purchase various resources for upgrading heroes.
How Tournament Points are Counted
To get tournament points, you need to improve any aspects of your heroes: level, artifacts, Glyphs, Skins, Gift of the Elements, evolution, etc. Bear in mind that only heroes' upgrades are registered. Titans' or pets' upgrades are not.
The upgrades are counted: 1 point of power = 1 tournament point.
To earn points, you need to exceed the value of your Total Hero Power. If the Gift of the Elements is reset, whether before or during the event, the current hero power value drops below the highest total power ever reached on the profile. When you re-upgrade the Gift of the Elements, the power will not exceed the already reached Total Hero Power. Therefore, resetting and re-upgrading the Gift of the Elements will not earn you any tournament points.
Tournament Rewards
The game configures the tasks and rewards for each group separately, depending on the group's team level. There are two types of tournament rewards: stage rewards and final rewards.
You can get stage rewards daily for gaining tournament points and thus reaching specific thresholds in the progress bar:

The stage progress bar refreshes daily at 2:00 AM UTC. Thus, you need to fill the bar from scratch the next day. After refreshing, all unlocked but unclaimed prizes are automatically sent to your in-game mailbox. Letters expire in 3 days, so do not forget to collect the rewards.
Only the top 10 players in the group will earn the final rewards when the tournament finishes. To open the leaderboard and see the final rewards, click Leaderboard:

After the active phase of the tournament ends, the results will be counted. This process might take some time.
If players have the same number of points by the end of the tournament, the player who reached this number earlier takes a higher ranking position.
When the results are ready, the top 10 players may collect the final reward in the tournament window.
If you do not collect the final reward, it will be sent to your in-game mailbox after the results menu closes. Letters expire in 3 days, so do not forget to collect the rewards.
How to playYou begin your journey with the tutorial. Starting with the Campaign, you will progress through the game and unlock new mechanics and game modes. You can find beginner's guides on our official YouTube channel. Also, you can always ask other players for advice in the game chat.
How to get emeraldsThere are several ways to get emeralds: as a daily login reward; by completing quests; by promoting heroes to a higher rank; by receiving Arena ranking rewards; by completing tasks in special events; by purchasing special offers; in a weekly reward at Asgard's Hall of Fame; as a reward in a Season; by completing tasks from the Free tab on the main screen of the game; at the Emerald Shop. This article provides more detailed information on emeralds and other main resources.
How to get energyYou get one point of energy every six minutes. Energy has a specific maximum value. When you reach it, energy stops accumulating. Initially, the maximum value is 60 points, but for each new team level, the maximum value increases by one, up to 190 at team level 130. In addition, to get energy you can: complete daily Get free energy quests; collect rewards from the Daily Bonus tab; collect some free gifts on our official communities; increase your team level (30 points for each new team level); use a special item called Bottled Energy; complete Emerald Waterfalls special event; exchange emeralds. This article provides more detailed information on energy and other main resources.
How to get goldThere are several ways to obtain gold: opening chests in the Tower; completing Campaign missions; completing daily quests; collecting gifts in the Daily Bonus tab; in weekly gifts for participation in the Tournament of the Elements; selling various in-game resources from your Inventory; getting gifts from your Guild Master; completing tasks from special events; using Emerald Exchange. This article provides more detailed information on gold and other main resources.
Account IDAccount ID is a unique number that helps identify you among other players. Note: If you have several characters (game profiles) on different servers, each will have its unique account ID. To find your account ID, click your avatar in the upper-left corner of the main game screen. Here you will see the information about your character, including your account ID.
Do you have free gifts?Yes, you can get free gifts from our official pages: official website for hero-wars.com; Facebook page for Facebook players.
Main statsThere are three main stats in the game: strength, intelligence, and agility. Each strength point provides: 40 health points; one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of the hero. Each intelligence point provides: three points to magic attack; one point to magic defense; one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of the hero. Each agility point provides: two points to physical attack; one point to armor; one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of the hero.
I didn't get x2 in the DungeonYou get a double reward for clearing a Dungeon level for the first time: 50 Titan Potions and 2 titanite for a hero level and 2 Soul Stones and 10 titanite for a titan level. If you clear the level again, the reward is 25 Titan Potions and 1 titanite for a hero level and 1 Soul Stone and 5 titanite for a titan level.
Some of the in-game items are missingOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.
I created an item, but it disappearedOur system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If a piece of equipment is missing, there are three possible scenarios: You might have equipped this item with another hero. Items are not unique and can be used for various heroes. You might have sold this item sold for gold or exchanged it for activity points for your Guild. Crafting in the game is a complex, multi-level system. All higher-tier items are crafted out of lower-tier gear.
Letters disappeared from my mailbox!Letters are stored in your in-game mailbox for a limited time, usually three days. Afterward, any items they contain are permanently deleted. The expiration date is displayed at the bottom of the letter. Make sure to claim rewards as soon as they arrive in your mailbox. Our Support team cannot restore expired letters and rewards.
Offensive behavior in the game chatsIf you do not want to see any messages from a certain player, click their nickname in the chat and press Add to blacklist. If you believe that this player's speech or behavior in the in-game chat violates our Terms of Service, you can also report them to our Support team. Make sure to attach a screenshot of the message and the ID of the player who offended you. Our specialists will conduct an investigation. They cannot disclose the results of the investigation due to user privacy policy.
How do I manage my blacklist?Blacklist is a feature that allows you to hide the messages of a certain player in the chat and private messages. You can blacklist any player by clicking their name in the chat and then pressing Add to blacklist: To see everyone you added to your blacklist: Open game Settings. Go to the Chat and Messages tab. Click Show chat blacklist. Here you can press the cross icon near the name of a certain player to remove them from your blacklist or remove everyone by clicking Clear the list:
Our Guild Master's offline for a long period of timeIf your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out. If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
Totem fragments and Bad Luck ProtectionThe totem fragment drop rate is rather low compared to other game entities. Due to this, there is a special feature called Bad Luck Protection. If you spend a certain number of emeralds at the Altar of the Elements, you will receive a guaranteed totem fragment: 1st totem fragment — 4,500 emeralds; 2nd totem fragment — 45,000 emeralds; 3rd totem fragment — 466,667 emeralds; 4th totem fragment — 850,000 emeralds; 5th totem fragment — 1,133,333 emeralds; 6th totem fragment — 1,416,667 emeralds; 7th totem fragment — 1,700,000 emeralds; 8th totem fragment — 1,983,333 emeralds; 9th totem fragment — 2,266,667 emeralds; 10th totem fragment — 2,550,000 emeralds; 11th totem fragment — 2,833,333 emeralds; 12th totem fragment — 3,116,667 emeralds; 13th totem fragment — 3,400,000 emeralds; 14th totem fragment — 3,683,333 emeralds; 15th totem fragment — 3,966,667 emeralds; 16th totem fragment — 4,250,000 emeralds; 17th totem fragment — 4,533,333 emeralds; 18th totem fragment — 4,833,329 emeralds; 19th totem fragment — 5,133,329 emeralds; 20th totem fragment — 5,433,329 emeralds; 21st totem fragment — 5,733,329 emeralds; 22nd totem fragment — 6,033,329 emeralds; 23rd totem fragment — 6,333,329 emeralds; 24th totem fragment — 6,633,329 emeralds; 25th totem fragment — 6,933,329 emeralds; 26th totem fragment — 7,233,329 emeralds; 27th totem fragment — 7,533,329 emeralds; 28th totem fragment — 7,833,329emeralds; 29th totem fragment — 8,133,329 emeralds; 30th totem fragment — 8,433,329 emeralds. Note that when you receive a totem fragment from any other source, you advance to the next step in the Bad Luck Protection system. If you wish to learn how many emeralds you need to spend to reach the next Bad Luck Protection threshold, ask our chatbot, Raymond, for help. To open the chatbot, follow these instructions and then select Gameplay → Totems → Next fragment.
Opponents in the Tournament of the Elements have too strong totemsThe Tournament of the Elements matchmaking is based on the power of your five strongest titans, including the power that totems add to them. Note that totem skill power and star rank are not taken into account. Thus, you can meet an opponent with weaker titans but powerful totems and an approximately equal total power score as a result.
Bad Luck Protection in CampaignEvery item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red. All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option. The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Tower difficultyThe difficulty of the Tower depends on your team level, which you can find under your avatar on the game's main screen. If your heroes are not upgraded up to that level, clearing the Tower might become a challenge.
I can't select a hero or a pet in the TowerIf a hero or a pet is displayed in gray color and you cannot pick them to fight in the Tower, then their level is lower than required. Your heroes and pets have to be at least level 15 to participate in this game mode.
My heroes don't get EXP in raidsWhen you raid a mission, your heroes do not obtain experience directly. Instead, acquired experience points are converted into EXP Potions that you can find in your Inventory and use to upgrade any hero of your choice.
How do I leave an Adventure?To leave, open the Adventures tab, click the Log button in the bottom-left corner, and then Leave Adventure.
Guild War trophy exchange doesn't workYou can exchange Gold trophies for Silver and Silver trophies for Bronze, but not vice versa. To make an exchange, visit Guild War Shop.
I've received Asgard Crystals, but I can't find themItems in the game never disappear on their own. Every single in-game action is processed and validated by the servers. If you cannot find Asgard Crystals, there are two possible scenarios: You have mixed up one type of Asgard Crystals with another, as they look practically the same. You have already used Asgard Crystals.
I've attacked a player and won, but my position in the Arena hasn't changedIf you have attacked a player and won, but your position in the Arena has not changed, it means that while you were choosing a target, they were attacked by another player and lost. Since their position became lower than yours, your ranking did not change.
I didn't get the Arena reward at 8 PMTo receive the reward, you need to attack at least once in the Arena or Grand Arena before 8:00 PM. Successful defenses do not count for issuing the reward.
I don't get Arena or Grand Arena Coins for a successful defenseEach day only the first five successful defenses grant Arena Coins, so you can receive up to 50 Coins. All further defenses are not rewarded. The same rule works for the Grand Arena.
I was attacked from a far-away position in the Arena / Grand ArenaThere are two matchmaking ranges in the Arena and Grand Arena: visible and hidden. The visible range includes player positions you can see in the list of suggested opponents. The hidden range is wider than the visible range. It ensures that opponents do not disappear while you are choosing an opponent or heroes to attack. Without this range, you would have to constantly look for a new opponent because positions in the Arena and Grand Arena are dynamic and change quickly. Note: The hidden range allows you to attack an opponent even if they have changed their position while you were selecting your heroes. However, if the new position is outside both the visible and hidden range, you will have to look for a different opponent.
I can't get Cleaver / supertitan / totem fragmentCleaver, totem fragments, and supertitans are unique and rare rewards. You have a certain chance to get a super prize every time you open а chest or sphere. Neither the number of chests/spheres opened, nor their type (for emeralds or free ones) affects the result. The chance is the same for all players, so it is a matter of luck.
Daily Bonus has reset, but I haven't collected all rewards!On the first day of each calendar month, the counter of the collected rewards is reset, and you start collecting rewards again from the first day of the month.
Guild and Daily quest activity points don't matchYour Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook. If you are playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. If you are playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day. To avoid this situation, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
What's the penalty for leaving a Guild?If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time. If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
My Guild has no Guild War on SaturdayThe standard Guild War Season starts on Monday and ends on Friday. On Saturday, only transitional matches take place. In these matches, top Guilds from every league, except Gold one, fight against bottom Guilds from the higher leagues to be promoted to a higher league. If you do not have an opponent on Saturday, it means that you finished the week in the middle of your league.
My titans haven't resurrected in the DungeonTitans resurrect with the Dungeon reset at the beginning of a game day, at 5:00 AM your local time zone. If your titans are still dead, then you have already explored the Dungeon today or changed the time zone recently. You will be able to proceed tomorrow. Note that if you use Divination Cards to beat the Dungeon, your titans still take damage as in the standard manual walkthrough.
What's the best team/hero?All characters in the game are unique. Each battle requires a specific strategy and team composition, and no single team can defeat them all. Try experimenting with different characters depending on your opponent. This article also provides valuable tips on how to build a balanced team.
I've lost, though my team has more power than my opponent'sSometimes a weaker team can defeat a stronger one. This situation can happen because of how energy accumulates: heroes get 1% energy, and titans – 0.5% for every 1% of the maximum health points lost. A weaker team takes more damage, thus accumulating energy faster. The quicker a character gets 1000 energy points, the sooner they can use their first skills. That is why the energy generation speed can directly affect the outcome of a battle. To avoid this situation, you can try upgrading your team even further or changing its composition.
I've won a fight in the Arena but lost a battle against the same team in a Guild WarThe Arena and Guild War are two different game modes with their own features. Firstly, all battles in the Arena are automatic, whereas in a Guild War you can manually control your heroes and activate their first skills. Secondly, the animation of characters' first skills varies. In fully automatic battles, where manual combat is not available in any way (e.g., in the Arena), first skills do not stop a fight. In manual combat, even with auto mode turned on (e.g., in a Guild War), animations of the first skills stop a battle entirely. During this pause, skills can still damage opponents. Thus, the results in the Arena and Guild War may vary.
I have a question regarding a recent battleIn this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the combat system: how hero skills work, how energy generation affects battles, how team composition can play a crucial role in combat, and much more! If you still have questions regarding a specific battle, take the following steps to understand what is going on: Read the description of the abilities of each hero who participated in that battle. There are over 200 abilities in the game, and their interaction is usually the key. You can toggle the detailed descriptions of skills in the game settings. Check the active effects from the first artifacts. If damage is too high or too low, most likely, the heroes are under buffs. Artifacts affect the whole team, not only one hero. If a hero has chosen a different target than you expected, pay attention to the skills that can influence target selection. For example, Jorgen's Leper is one such skill. Check if your heroes are under any crowd control effects. You can get more info abo those effects and how to spot them in this article. Try experimenting with hero combinations, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. Well-chosen heroes may sometimes defeat opponents even when outnumbered. If you still have not figured everything out, you can discuss the battle with your guildmates or ask other players for help on our official Discord server.