Guild becomes available at team level 30. You can either create your own Guild or join an existing one.
You can find the Guild menu in the lower-left corner of the main game screen.

There, you can choose a Guild to join from the offered list. You can also use the search bar to find a certain Guild or filter the list based on your language preferences.

If you want to create your own Guild, click the Create guild button. You will have to choose your Guild name, language, minimum team level (from 30 to 130), and banner.

After you create or join a Guild, you will be able to visit Celestial City.
In Celestial City, you can find:
1. Guild Island with Dungeon, titans, Heart of Power, Circle of Summoning, and Titan Soul Shop (if you have evolved at least one of your titans to the Absolute Star).
2. Asgard.
3. Titan Valley.
4. Sanctuary.
5. Guild War and Clash of Worlds.
Also, in the upper-left corner, you can click Members to view the list of your Guild members.

Here you can also:
Find Guild positions and current activity points.
See the date and time of all important events (joining and quitting the Guild, activity, and position changes).
Leave the Guild.

Leaving Guild restricts you from joining another one for eight hours. You can skip this timer for 25 emeralds. In addition, all activity points and titanite gained is deducted from Guild activity.
There are four leagues in the game:
Gold league: 6 Guilds;
Silver league: 10 Guilds;
Bronze league: 30 Guilds;
Qualification league: all other Guilds on the server.
Silver and Gold league Guilds from all servers can participate in Clash of Worlds.
You can find information on server leagues and current/previous week's results by clicking the Leagues button on the main Guild War screen.

By clicking the Rewards button in the Leagues tab, you can view all the rewards your Guild can receive according to the results of Guild War and the daily rewards.

The Log tab contains all battle records.

A player who has left or has been kicked from a Gold league Guild cannot become Champion until the end of the current Guild War Season: until Saturday, 11:00 PM UTC on Facebook or 8:00 PM UTC on hero-wars.com.
Click the Overview button to open the Guild Status window.

Here, you can find all the information about your Guild. You can see the Guild's status and statistics on all Guild activities (e.g., titanite, Guild activity, Prestige, Adventure, etc.) and check info on Guild Master's Presents. A Guild Master can also send out the presents from here.
In the Status tab, you will see the following sections:
The Guild Master and Generals can see the Guild Settings button.
The Prestige Progress is at the top of the menu.
The Activity panel shows activity points earned by the Guild. Click it to go to the Guild activity rewards window.
The Titanite panel shows titanite earned by the Guild. Click it to go to the Dungeon.
The Guild War / Clash of Worlds panel shows detailed information about these game modes. Click the arrows in the heading to switch between Guild War and Clash of Worlds panels. The info changes depending on the current Guild War / Clash of Worlds stage.
The Guild log at the bottom shows records of Guild changes.

Developers may add new features to the Prestige and Guild quests in the future. Join our Discord server to stay tuned!
You can earn Guild Quest Points (1) and Guild Prestige (2) by completing special Guild quests.

If Valkyrie's Favor is active, you can complete some quests instantly (1). Also, starting with the VIP level 1, you can collect Guild Quest and Prestige Points for all finished quests in one click (2).

If all the titan artifacts, Pet Stones, hero Glyphs, and hero Ascension are upgraded to the maximum, the quests that require upgrading them will be completed automatically. You need to claim rewards for these tasks manually.
If you upgrade the last available titan artifact, Pet Stone, or Glyph to the maximum using emeralds, you will not be able to complete quests further. To fix the issue, you need to refresh the game page. After the refresh, these quests will be completed automatically.
At the top of the Guild Quests menu, you can find a progress bar with personal rewards. To fill it up, earn Guild Quest Points by completing Guild quests. Once you get enough Guild Quest Points, you can collect a reward.

If you forget to collect these rewards before the reset, they will be sent to your in-game mail.
Guild quests and personal rewards for them reset daily at 5:00 AM according to your in-game time zone. The timer counting till the reset is located in the upper-right corner of the Guild Overview window. Make sure that you have completed the quests and collected the points for them before the timer runs out.
Though your personal day resets at 5:00 AM in your in-game timezone, a Guild day resets at 2:00 AM UTC. Thus, Guild and Daily quest activity points may mismatch. Here you can learn more about the differences between the player's timezone and Guild timezone and how to avoid confusion.
Prestige is a Guild activity that requires the efforts of all Guild members. By completing Guild quests, every Guild member earns Guild Prestige. Thus, they contribute to the joint Prestige Progress and unlock Prestige levels. Once a Guild reaches a new Prestige Level, all Guild members receive rewards. You can claim them in the Prestige tab.
Players below team level 40 earn x1.5 Prestige for the quests as they have fewer quests available than players of higher team levels.

You can collect some of the rewards only after fulfilling an additional condition: you need to earn a certain amount of Prestige for the overall progress of the Guild. The rule works even if such a reward has already been unlocked through the joint efforts of the Guild.
This feature helps balance gameplay and ensures that every Guild member invests in its Prestige.
You can view the required Prestige in the progress bar:

A standard Prestige cycle lasts four weeks. The cycle resets at 2:00 UTC on Sunday, and a new one starts at 2:00 UTC on Monday. After the cycle ends, the Guild Prestige and rewards reset. Any unclaimed rewards are sent to players in their in-game mail.
If you leave your Guild during an active cycle, all unclaimed rewards are sent to your in-game mail. All the Prestige you have earned during the cycle is deducted from the Guild's total Prestige and does not transfer with you. In a new Guild, you will have to earn Prestige from scratch, even if you return to the previous Guild.
Sometimes, the Prestige level of a Guild may go down in such a case. All available rewards unclaimed by other Guild members will be automatically sent to their in-game mailboxes. This feature prevents players from losing their rewards.
You can claim every reward only one time. For example, if you have reached the first Prestige Level, claimed the reward, and then left the Guild, you will not be able to claim the first-level reward again, no matter which Guild you join.
To view the Prestige of other Guilds:
Go to the Ranking tab on the main screen.

2. Select the Prestige section at the bottom of the list.

If you quit a Guild, you have to wait for 8 hours before joining a new one. You can spend 25 emeralds to skip the waiting time.
If your Guild is in the Gold league, you will not be able to become a Champion until the end of the current week.
Each Guild can have four positions: member, Officer, General, and Guild Master. The Guild Master can change the names of the positions.
Different positions grant different access levels. For example, Guild Masters, Generals, and Officers can expel members and add them to the Guild's blacklist.

Officers, Generals, and members may leave the Guild whenever they want. The Guild Master cannot leave the Guild without handing over their title to another player. However, they can disband the Guild anytime after expelling all members.
You can invite new members to your Guild or be invited to other Guilds. To invite a player to your Guild:
Open the Members menu on the Guild screen:

Press the Invite button.

Your position in the Guild should allow you to invite other players:
Otherwise, the Invite button will be inactive.

There, you will see a menu where you can search for a player and invite them. You can search by name or ID (1), player level (2), hero power (3), titan power (4), player’s language (5), and Guild membership (6):

To check the invitations that have already been sent, go to the Invited tab.

You can also invite a player by clicking their avatar:

The player will receive an invitation in this chat:

Even if a player does not meet the requirements for joining the Guild, they can accept an invitation to join the Guild.
If you do not want to receive invitations, go to the game settings and turn this feature off:

If your Guild Master does not log in to the game for more than 30 days in a row, their title is automatically transferred to an active player with the highest position after the 30-day timer has run out.
If the Guild Master logs in, the 30-day timer resets. Another way to transfer the title is to contact that player directly and ask them to transfer it to someone else manually.
There are two types of Guild activities to which you can contribute daily: titanite and activity points.

You earn titanite:
when you clear Dungeon levels;
when you spend emeralds on Summon 5 or Summon 50 options;
when you get 80 Guild Quest Points;
from the Oracle for having active Valkyrie's Favor.
When a Guild reaches a particular titanite threshold, each Guild member gets a reward:
1 Summoning Sphere for 750 titanite;
2 Summoning Spheres for 1,800 titanite;
3 Summoning Spheres for 3,000 titanite;
4 Summoning Spheres for 4,500 titanite;
5 Summoning Spheres for 7,500 titanite.
There are various ways to earn Guild activity points:
You get one activity point for each energy point spent in the Campaign.
You can exchange heroes' equipment for up to 2,000 activity points. To exchange equipment, go to the Activity tab in the Guild Status window and press the Exchange button. The rarer the item, the more points you get. If you exchange an item, it disappears from your Inventory.

You get 150 activity points when you earn 30 Guild Quest Points.
You can upgrade a Glyph to get 700 activity points.
Your Daily quest activity resets at 5:00 AM your local time, and Guild activity resets at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook.
If you're playing on hero-wars.com and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 2 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day.
If you're playing on Facebook and your local timezone is different from UTC, all activity and titanite earned between 5 AM UTC and 5 AM of your local timezone will not be counted in today's Guild activity. It is counted towards the Guild activities of the previous day.
To avoid the mismatch, you should neither collect activity and titanite nor upgrade Glyphs during this time period.
When a Guild reaches a particular Guild activity level, each Guild member gets a reward:
1 Guild Master's Present and 4 Great Enchantment Runes for 12,500 Guild activity points;
2 Guild Master's Presents and 5 Great Enchantment Runes for 27,500 Guild activity points;
3 Guild Master's Presents and 6 Great Enchantment Runes for 45,000 Guild activity points;
5 Guild Master's Presents and 7 Great Enchantment Runes for 65,000 Guild activity points.
Only Guild Masters can distribute Guild Master's Presents among the Guild members.
Guild activities reset at 05:00 AM UTC on Facebook and at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com.
In the Statistics tab of the Overview window, you can find excessive information on Guild members' activity.