Clash of Worlds
Clash of Worlds is a competitive game mode where Silver and Gold league Guilds across all servers fight each other to earn glory and various rewards.
Silver and Gold league Guilds from all servers can participate in Clash of Worlds.
When you unlock Clash of Worlds for the very first time, your Guild needs to gather 10 defense teams (either hero or titan ones) and assign them to positions on the map. Otherwise, the matchmaking system will not take into account your Guild, i.e., you will not be able to participate in Clash of Worlds.
If your Guild is knocked out of the Silver league in Guild War, you will not be able to participate in Clash of Worlds until your Guild gets back to the Silver league.
Unlike Guild War, all 30 Guild members can fight in Clash of Worlds. To participate, you must prepare three hero and two titan teams. The teams can be incomplete: you can gather teams of only one, two, three, or four heroes or titans.
You need to defend 95 positions on your Clash of Worlds map: 55 positions for heroes and 40 for titans. Since your Guild can gather up to 150 teams — 90 hero teams and 60 titans teams — you do not have to use every team of each Guild member in defense. Guild Master and Generals can select only the strongest teams for defense.
At the same time, all 150 teams can be used in attack if necessary: every Guild member gets five attack attempts, three for heroes and two for titans.
Clash of Worlds battles last three days, with a total of two battles per week. They begin on Mondays and Thursdays, with Sundays off.
Each Clash of Worlds Season lasts 12 weeks and ends on Sunday at 1:59 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 4:59 AM UTC on Facebook.
There is a week-long break after every Season. You have seven days to rest and prepare for the next battles.
Once the break ends, the new Season starts on Monday at 2:00 AM UTC on hero-wars.com and at 5:00 AM UTC on Facebook.
Matchmaking is determined by Guilds' ranking. The automatic system matches Guilds with the closest ranking score. Server and total Guild power are not taken into account.
The Guilds with the highest rank are matched first. If only one Guild is left at the end of matchmaking and there is no one to match it with, it gets an "empty" opponent and can take the maximum number of points at once.
Ranking score is used by the matchmaking system. It also determines Guilds' leagues and divisions in Clash of Worlds. The higher the position in the ranking, the more valuable the reward that Guild members will get.
When a Guild first enters the Clash of Worlds, its starting ranking score is calculated based on the total power of the 15 strongest heroes and 10 strongest titans of each Guild member.
Guilds earn ranking points by participating in battles. At the end of each battle, the ranking score is calculated by dividing the difference between the two Guild's capture points by 10. After that:
The ranking score of the Guild that lost is reduced by the amount equal to the resulting number.
The winner of the battle gets an amount equal to the resulting number plus 750.
In case of a draw, both Guilds get 375 ranking points.
Guild ranking gets a soft reset at the Season start. The higher the Guild's ranking in the previous Season, the higher its starting position in the new Season is.
If your Guild is in the Bronze league by the end of the Season, its Clash of Worlds ranking will be reset to the starting value.
There are five leagues in Clash of Worlds:
Duke league,
Marquis league,
Earl league,
Viscount league,
Baron league.
Each league has five subgroups called divisions.
When a Guild passes a certain ranking threshold, it is promoted to a new division or league.
The higher the league and the division of the Guild, the better the rewards the members get.
If your Guild is knocked out of the Silver league, it will be able to finish the ongoing battle. However, it will not be able to participate in further Clash of Worlds battles and will get a daily ranking penalty until it returns to the Silver league.
If you are a member of a Guild that participates in Clash of Worlds and decide to change your Guild, you will not be able to fight in the current battle, but you can take part in the next one. In addition, if you return to the Guild you have left during the ongoing battle, you will get no penalty and will be able to take part in this battle.
If you change your server during a Clash of Worlds battle, you will not be able to fight in the current battle, but you can take part in the next one.
Clash of Worlds Trophies are the main reward in Clash of Worlds. You can use them to upgrade light and dark totems or to purchase goods in the Clash of Worlds Shop.
The higher your Guild's league and division, the better the rewards you and all other members get.
All Guild members get Clash of Worlds Trophies for the defeat, victory, and draw in a battle and for each fully captured fortification. Trophies are sent at the end of the participation day.
The number of Trophies you earn is determined by your Guild's ranking. To check this number, click Leagues at the top of the Clash of Worlds menu and press the three-stripes button under the icon of your division.

At the end of the Season, each member receives a certain number of Clash of Worlds Trophies based on the league and division of their Guild. Click Leagues at the top of the Clash of Worlds menu to check this amount.

If you leave your Guild, you will not receive the seasonal reward.
If you are kicked from a Guild, you will get the seasonal reward in the ratio of your battles in the Guild to the Guild's total battles. The battles where you did not use your attack attempts will not be counted.
If you join another Guild after being kicked, you will get the full seasonal reward for the current Guild and the reward for the previous Guild. -
Guilds that end the Season in the Top 50 get an additional reward of Clash of Worlds Trophies. The number of Trophies depends on the place in the Top 50. To check this number, click Leagues at the top of the Clash of Worlds menu, scroll the tab to the right until you see the first division of the Duke league, and press the info button.

When a Guild advances to a new league for the first time in the Season, all members get Clash of Worlds Trophies.
Clash of Worlds rewards are sent in a letter to your in-game mailbox — do not forget to collect them!
To access the Clash of Worlds Shop, click Merchant at the top of the Clash of Worlds menu.
Here you can spend Clash of Worlds Trophies to buy Aidan, Kayla, Iris, and Amira Soul Stones, Gifts of Dominion, and exclusive frames and avatars. Developers have plans to add new goods to the Shop in the future.
The Clash of Worlds map is similar to the Guild War one but bigger and has unique fortifications. Moreover, each fortification has more slots you need to defeat to fully capture it and earn bonus capture points.
There are two bridges on the map, and you must capture both of them in order to get a pass to the Citadel. The first bridge is with titan teams, and the second is with heroes.

Some fortifications have buffs. Buffs boost defenders of the corresponding fortification. Buff efficiency scales with the number of specific heroes and titans assigned to defend it.
Buffs are displayed as small icons over the names of the fortifications. To view the bonus that a buff grants, hover your mouse over the icon:

Unlike in Adventures, in Clash of Worlds, buffs do not change.
Buffs boost only the defenders. They do not boost the attacking team.
To activate the buff, you need to insert a titan of the corresponding element into the fortification. There are five fortifications that can grant a buff to the defending titans:
Bastion of Ice buff increases the energy gain of the defending team by 3% for each water titan.
Bastion of Fire buff increases the max health of the defending team by 8% for each fire titan.
Gates of Nature buff decreases the damage dealt to the defending team by 2% for each earth titan.
Sun Temple buff decreases the damage dealt to the defending team by 2% for each light titan.
Moon Temple buff increases the max health of the defending team by 7% for each dark titan.
To activate the buff, you need to insert a hero with the corresponding role into the fortification. There are seven fortifications that can grant a buff to the defending heroes:
Foundry buff increases the max health of the defending team by 8% for each tank hero.
Enginireeum buff increases the energy gain of the defending team by 4% for each control hero.
Shooting Range buff decreases the damage dealt to the defending team by 3% for each marksman hero.
Bastion buff increases the magic resistance of the defending team by 3% for each warrior hero.
City Hall buff increases the healing of the defending team by 7% for each healer.
Alchemy Tower increases the armor of the defending team by 4% for each mage hero.
Lighthouse speeds up the skill cooldown of the defending team by 1% for each support hero.
A Leader is a special guild role created for the Clash of Worlds mode. Only Guild Masters and Leaders can give assignments for the Clash of Worlds battles.
Unlike a General, a Leader has no additional guild permissions outside the Clash of Worlds mode. For example, Leaders cannot kick guild members from the Guild or give assignments in the Guild War.

In defense planning, Guild Masters can forbid anyone other than Leaders from managing defense assignments.

In attack planning, Guild Masters can forbid guild members from attacking the positions assigned to someone else and let them attack only those positions that were assigned to them.
All guild members can see other people's assignments on the map.

The Clash of Worlds mode has its own chat. There you can see the assignments you were given and their status, information on whether the assigned to you point is available for attack or not, and some general information on the current battle progress. The chat will also notify you of an assigned to you target and when it becomes available for attack.
To access the Clash of Worlds battle logs directly from the chat, click the More button.