The Campaign is the main game mode in Hero Wars: Dominion Era. It becomes available at the first level and consists of 15 Chapters and 218 missions. You can enter Campaign through the magic gates on the main game screen.
In Campaign, you battle various enemies to gain team and hero EXP, earn Guild activity points, and obtain items required to increase hero rank. Completing Campaign missions requires energy. The more difficult the mission, the more energy you need.
There are three Campaign mission types.

In regular missions, you face various monsters and heroes. The energy required to complete a regular mission varies from six to ten, depending on the Chapter.
As a reward for completing a regular mission, you get gold, items, hero, and team experience.
The number of attack attempts is unlimited.

In heroic missions, you face various monsters and heroes. The energy required to complete a heroic mission varies from 12 to 20, depending on the Chapter.
As a reward for completing a heroic mission, you get gold, items, hero, and team experience, and also may receive a Soul Stone of the hero displayed on the mission.
The number of attack attempts is limited to three a day. You can use emeralds to get additional attacks. The number of attempts that you can purchase depends on your VIP level.

In boss fights, you face a boss and various monsters. The energy required to complete a boss fight varies from 18 to 30, depending on the Chapter.
As a reward for completing a heroic mission, you get a hero Soul Stone, gold, items, hero, and team experience.
The number of attack attempts is limited to three a day. You can use emeralds to get additional attacks. The number of attempts that you can purchase depends on your VIP level.
Each mission consists of three rounds, each of them lasts for two minutes. If the time expires during any of the rounds, the battle ends in defeat.
Each mission has a star rating. It depends on how many heroes are left alive at the end of a mission. The maximum rating is three stars. One defeated hero takes away one star, two defeated heroes — two stars, three or four defeated heroes leave you with only one star. Once you complete a mission with three stars, you can raid it.
Raid allows completing missions instantly. It needs the same amount of energy as manually completed missions.
When you raid a mission, you get EXP Potions instead of hero EXP Points. To level up your heroes, you can use the received EXP Potions.
Raids become available at VIP 1.
Every item has a different drop chance. The rarer the item, the lower the chance. Rarity depends on the color: white, green, blue, purple, orange, and red.
All Campaign missions have Bad Luck Protection. This feature guarantees that you have one of each item featured in the mission when using the x10 raid option.
The same rule applies for heroic missions where you are guaranteed at least one Soul Stone when raiding x3.
Once you have filled the Tank with enough Coolant in Chapter 14, you can access the next Campaign mission:

Open the Technical Division mission, and press the Start button to use the collected Coolant and continue the Campaign:

Seymour creates two Crystals on the battlefield before using his ultimate skill:

To interrupt its activation, destroy both Crystals before Seymour attacks you with the ultimate skill. You may need heroes who deal area damage to attack both Crystals at the same time.
To gather an effective team, check out the combat guides. You can also discuss battle tactics with your guildmates or other players in the server chat.
Seymour has a lot of health, and a part of the health bar is hidden behind the boss' avatar:

Once you really defeat Seymour, you will see the corresponding Victory message.