Hero Stats
Every hero in the game has one primary stat and several secondary ones. Learn more about them in this article.
Main stats
Every hero in the game has one main stat. It determines their secondary characteristics. There are three main stats in the game.
1. Strength

Each strength point grants:
40 health points;
one point to physical attack if strength is the main stat of a hero.
2. Intelligence

Each intelligence point grants:
three points to magic attack;
one point to magic defense;
one point to physical attack if intelligence is the main stat of a hero.
3. Agility

Each agility point grants:
two points to physical attack;
one point to armor;
one point to physical attack if agility is the main stat of a hero.
Secondary stats
Every hero in the game has several secondary stats.
1. Health

Health is the stat that determines how much damage a hero can withstand before dying. If health points reach zero, the hero dies.
2. Physical attack

Physical attack determines how much damage a hero deals with basic attacks and abilities that deal physical damage.
Physical damage is reduced by armor.
3. Armor

Armor reduces damage received by a hero from physical attacks and abilities.
1,000 armor absorbs 25% physical damage, 3,000 armor — 50%;
armor reduces incoming physical damage according to this formula: 1 - 1 / (1 + armor / 3000).
4. Armor penetration

Armor penetration allows ignoring a target's armor.
One armor penetration point ignores one armor point.
E.g., if the attacker has 6,000 armor penetration and their target has 8,000 armor, the target's armor will be reduced to 2,000 points.
Armor cannot be negative, i.e., below zero.
E.g., if the attacker has 10,000 armor penetration and their target has 5,000 armor, the target's armor will be reduced to zero points.
Armor reduces incoming physical damage according to this formula: 1 - 1 / (1 + armor / 3000).
5. Vampirism

Vampirism grants a hero healing equal to a percentage of the damage dealt with a basic attack or an ability.
E.g., if a hero deals 100 damage and has 10% vampirism, they are healed for 10 health points for this attack.
6. Magic attack

Magic attack determines how much damage a hero deals with magic abilities and the strength of their effects.
Magic damage is reduced by magic defense.
7. Magic defense

Magic defense reduces damage received by a hero from magic attacks and abilities.
1,000 magic defense absorbs 25% magical damage, 3,000 magic defense — 50%;
magic defense reduces incoming magic damage according to this formula: 1 - 1 / (1 + magic defense / 3000).
8. Magic penetration

Magic penetration allows ignoring a target's magic defense.
One magic penetration point ignores one magic defense point.
E.g., if the attacker has 6,000 magic penetration and their target has 8,000 magic defense, the target's magic defense will be reduced to 2,000 points.
Magic defense cannot be negative, i.e., below zero.
E.g., if the attacker has 10,000 magic penetration and their target has 5,000 magic defense, the target's magic defense will be reduced to zero points.
Magic defense reduces incoming magic damage according to this formula: 1 - 1 / (1 + magic defense / 3000).
9. Dodge

Dodge determines a hero's chance to evade physical damage.
The more dodge a hero has, the more likely they will evade incoming physical damage.
Dodge percent calculation formula: hero's dodge / (hero's dodge + target's main stat) х 100%.
10. Critical hit chance

Critical hit chance determines the chance of a physical attack to be critical.
Critical hits deal double damage.
The more critical hit chance a hero has, the more likely their physical attack will be critical.
Critical chance percent calculation formula: hero's crit hit chance / (hero's crit hit chance + target's main stat) х 100%.
To find out the main and secondary stats of a hero:
1. Click the Heroes button.

2. Go to the Stats tab.